Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 5 > Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 3

Web Quests




Do you like watching TV? How many hours a week do you think you spend in front of the TV? Do you think you watch more or less TV than most kids your age? Do you think kids watch more or less TV than teenagers and grown-ups? Let's find out!



The Statistics Canada Web site will show you the average number of hours Canadians spend watching TV per week. Create a graph to display this data.



grid paper

coloured pencils




  1. Click on the following link to go to the Statistics Canada Web site: Canadian Statistics - Average hours per week of television viewing . By conducting surveys, people at Statistics Canada determined the average number of hours Canadians spend watching TV per week and displayed that data in this table on the Web site. What specific information does this table show you?
  2. Graph one of the following options using the type of graph you think is most appropriate:
    • the hours of TV people watch per week in your province
    • the hours of TV people watch per week in Canada
    • the hours of TV people in the age group of your choice watch per week in all the provinces
  3. Explain how you chose the type of graph.
  4. Explain how you chose the scale for your graph.
  5. What information can someone learn by looking at your graph?



Statistics Canada Web site:

Canadian Statistics - Average hours per week of television viewing



Did you choose an appropriate scale?


Did you draw and label your graph correctly?


Did you include all the necessary data in your graph?


Did you explain your thinking?


Did you use math language?
