Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 5 > Teacher Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 6

Web Quests





This Web Quest builds on the multiplication and division skills learned in Chapter 6. The task requires students to plan a games afternoon for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Working in pairs, students will research Crokinole and Chinese Checkers on the Internet. Students will use this research to help them solve multiplication and division problems.



5m7 select and perform computation techniques appropriate to specific problems involving whole numbers [decimals, and equivalent fractions,] and determine whether the results are reasonable

5m18 explain processes and solutions with whole numbers [and decimals] using mathematical language

5m29 recall multiplication and division facts to 144

5m30 use mental computation strategies to solve number problems

5m33 select operations and solve two-step problems involving whole numbers



paper and pencil


Web sites:

  1. Crokinole Rules

  1. Chinese Checkers Rules

  1. The Online Guide to Traditional Games.



  1. Divide students into pairs. Students will be using the Internet only for the research portion of this Web Quest. So if you would prefer students work in larger groups, have pairs join up to form groups of four once they have completed their Internet research.
  2. As a class, read the Introduction and brainstorm types of games. Some examples could include computer games, board games, and physical games. Possible benefits could include physical or mental exercise, team building, spending time with friends and family, developing good sportsmanship, and having fun.
  3. Have students read the Task and Process sections of the Web Quest. Ensure that students are clear on what is expected of them.
  4. While students are working, observe and/or interview pairs to see how they are interpreting and carrying out the task.


Question 1: The following links provide information on the two games:

Crokinole Rules

Chinese Checkers Rules

The Online Guide to Traditional Games

The first two sites provide students with the number of players and materials needed for each game and the last site focuses on interesting facts about these games. Students can gather information on these games either by taking notes while reading off the screen, or they can print out copies of the Web pages to consult later.   If students will be taking notes, stress the need to double-check that they have all the information they need to complete the task, so they will not have to return to their computer terminal.

Question 2: To help students decide whether to multiply or divide, ask them what information they have been given. If they have been given a total, it is a hint that they need to divide. If the question is asking them to find a total, it may be a multiplication question.

Question3: Remind students to keep in mind the number of Chinese Checkers and Crokinole games they decided on in question 2.

Question 4: Ask the following question: "Why would you estimate after you have calculated a product?"



  • For extra support, provide students with a multiplication table.
  • For extra challenge in question 4, ask students to find out how many yellow marbles would be in 2, 3, and 4 bags of marbles.








Problem Solving

•  Shows little or no evidence of a plan for calculations

•  Shows evidence of a partial plan for calculations

•  Shows evidence of an appropriate plan for calculations

•  Shows evidence of a thorough plan for calculations

Application of Procedures

•  Makes major errors and/or omissions when calculating products and quotients


•  Has difficulty using estimation to verify answers

•  Makes several errors and/or omissions when calculating products and quotients

•  Shows some ability to use estimation to verify answers

•  Makes only a few minor errors and/or omissions when calculating products and quotients

•  Uses estimation to verify answers

•  Makes almost no errors or omissions when calculating products and quotients

•  Uses estimation to verify answers and judges whether or not it is reasonable


•  Provides incomplete explanations that lack clarity and use very little mathematical language

•  Provides partial explanations that show some clarity, using some math language

•  Provides complete explanations of thinking using appropriate math language

•  Provides thorough, clear, and insightful explanations of thinking and uses a variety of math language





