Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 5 > Teacher Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 8

Web Quests




This task follows the theme of the Chapter 8 Chapter Task by having students create signs, which include tangram designs, for different animals that might be featured in a petting zoo. Students have already been introduced to tangram puzzles in Chapter 7, page185 of the student book. Students will practice solving several tangram puzzles at a website, copy the puzzles of 2 animals of their choice, as well as estimate and measure the area and perimeter of the tangram pieces.



•  manipulate stangram shapes to create images

•  describe the shapes of the tangram puzzle pieces

•  estimate, measure and record the area and perimeter of each shape

•  create signs for a petting zoo using tangram puzzles



•  Students may find creating the animal tangramson their own very challenging. Allow them to refer back to the already created designs featured at the first website.

•  If tracing the shapes to create animal tangrams is too difficult, make copies of the shapes and have students glue or tape them to the pages.



  1. Ask students if they remember what a tangram is. Check to see if they can remember how many pieces a tangram puzzle is made up of. Have them brainstorm some of the shapes they think you could make with tangram puzzle pieces.
  2. Read the Introduction and the Task sections of the Student page as a class. Respond to any comments or concerns.
  3. Have the students go to the website at Fwend. This web page will allow students to solve a series of tangram puzzles. Encourage the students to focus on the animal puzzles in the easy section.
  4. Once students are comfortable solving the puzzles, have them print the tangram puzzle pieces at Tangram Grid.
  5. Once they have cut out their pieces, have students complete the Tangram Shapes sheet.
  6. Using the pieces they have printed and cut out, students can begin to create their own tangram puzzle animals. Have them choose the two they liked best to use for their signs. They will probably need to use the examples from the first website for reference.
  7. Have students trace the animal tangrams onto blank sheets of paper to create 2 petting zoo signs that will include the name of each animal.    





Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Application of Procedures

•  has difficulty estimating    the area and perimeter   of each shape

•  makes major errors and/or omissions when: measuring area using a centimetre grid transparency;

when measuring perimeter  



•  estimates with some difficulty the area and perimeter   of each shape

•  makes several errors and/or omissions when measuring area using a centimetre grid transparency;

when measuring perimeter  

•  estimates with reasonable accuracy the area and perimeter   of each shape

•  makes only a few errors and/or omissions when measuring area using a centimetre grid transparency;

when measuring perimeter  


•  estimates with very reasonable accuracy the area and perimeter   of each shape

•  makes almost no errors and/or omissions when measuring area using a centimeter grid transparency;

when measuring perimeter  



•  provides an incomplete description of tangram shapes

•  provides a partial description of tangram shapes that shows some clarity

•  provides a complete and clear description of tangram shapes

•  provides a thorough, clear and insightful description of tangram shapes





Tangram Grid


Tangram Shapes



coloured pens or pencils (optional)

30 cm ruler

copies of tangram shapes (optional)

centimeter grid transparency

2 sheets of paper per student for signs

